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Payment Estimator

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  3. Payment Estimator
  1. 01
    Vehicle Please select vehicle.
    Category :
  2. 02
    Trim Please select trim.
  3. 03
    Payment methods

    0% 50% 100%
    Interest rate (p.a)

    0% 9% 18%

    0% 25% 50%
    Payment months
    Monthly Payment$
    • Total Price $ 24,525
    • $ 2,500 Deposit
      Total amount of installemnts $ 22,500
    • From $ 1,014(938 + 77) per
      Month for 24 months
    Price $ Interest rate (p.a) %

    0% 50% 100%
    Payment months
    Monthly Payment $ 1,014
    • Total Price $ 24,525
    • $ 2,500 Deposit
      Total amount of installemnts $22,500
    • From $ 1,014(938 + 77) per
      Month for 24 months
    Price $
    Total Price $ 1,014
  4. 04
    Compare payment terms
    Compare payment terms
    Payment methods
    Interest rate (p.a)
    Payment months
    Total Price
    Compare payment terms
    K4000G K4000G
    2.4 GDI Prestige
    Finance Lease Cash
    $12,764.00 $2,750.00 $2,750.00
    2.99% 2.99% Not applicable
    $12,764.00 $2,750.00 $0.00
    24 24 Not applicable
    $24,525 $24,525 $24,525
    $2,500 Deposit
    Total amount of installments $22,500

    From $1,014(938 + 77) per
    Month for 24 months
    $2,500 Deposit
    Total amount of installments $22,500

    From $ 1,014(938 + 77) per
    Month for 24 months
    Not applicable
Leasing and Financing Calculations :
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License, registration, insurance, delivery and destination, dealer administration fees and taxes are not included and may vary from province.